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5 June 2021

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Glamping Canonici di San Marco, Mirano

Six eco-structures for sleeping surrounded by nature. Between the Venetian lagoon and the Brenta river. Where the doges and the ancient Venetian noble families had their summer residences

The Glamping Canonici di San Marco is hidden in the park of an ancient Venetian villa. Six luxury tents that combine the beauty of an outdoor holiday with the services of a hotel.

You sleep under the stars, but in a canopy bed. With private bathroom, hot water and the possibility to have breakfast in the room (homemade cakes, artisan jams, yogurt, cold cuts and cheeses at zero kilometer).

“We had made a tent in the home garden for our guests. Everyone was crazy about it. So they became 2, bookable on Airbnb, and in 2014 we looked for a bigger location, the current one, in Accopè Fratte street" says Matilde, daughter of Emanuela Padoan, creator of Glamping Canonici di San Marco, the first glamping in Italy opened in 2009 ".

Glamping Canonici di San Marco

Glamping combines the words glamour and camping. From the camping comes the wild pleasure of sleeping in a tent, in close contact with nature. Glamour because it offers the comforts and hospitality of a hotel.

It is dedicated to those who want to enjoy their holidays in the nature, but do not like the idea of ​​setting up a tent, filling the trunk of the car and lighting the fire. The day begins slowly with a gourmet awakening in the courtyard of the seventeenth-century barchessa. What happens next? Take a walk, read a book or sunbathe in the garden.

Glamping Canonici di San Marco combines the two passions of Emanuela Padoan: uncontaminated nature and unconventional furnishings, found around the world or in antique markets. Like the armchair: bored of being in the living room, she moves to the bathroom. Or the suitcase, tired of traveling, becomes a table. Common objects are reborn to create unique atmospheres.

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Antonella Machet

JOURNALIST and STORYTELLER - Sono una giornalista e creo contenuti per siti web, social media e materiali promozionali. Mi piace raccontare storie con le parole, ma anche cogliere atmosfere magiche con la macchina fotografica. Canonici di San Marco, Mirano
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