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21 April 2020

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Les Petites Emplettes

Decorations in wood, straw and cardboard. Simple and timeless materials. And also some vintage items.

The old granary of the Château de Dirac houses the showroom of les petites emplettes: decorative objects made in France and Morocco are shaped with simple materials such as wood, straw and cardboard. A the same time, here you can find old trouvailles, that Isabelle found in some flea markets, and natural fabrics such as cotton and wool.

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Antonella Machet

JOURNALIST and STORYTELLER - Sono una giornalista e creo contenuti per siti web, social media e materiali promozionali. Mi piace raccontare storie con le parole, ma anche cogliere atmosfere magiche con la macchina fotografica. Petites Emplettes
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